photos by chie sales

at work
it's a good thing we have joseph around the office. when things get hectic and stressful, he gives us just what we need. i'm sorry i missed the time he wore that t'boli headgear and paraded around the office. or the time he put that life-sized model of a human skeleton on bevs' chair while she wasn't looking. and that time when he did figure skating moves while rolling around on his office chair. there was also a time when don scaled the office walls to kill a cockroach. sayang!

click on any of the thumbnails to see the bigger picture.

let me introduce you to my imac-my first one. gave it back to the exhibits team because i needed a cd burner. this imac doesn't have one. taken using my polaroid DC

eric, one of our drivers in museo driving museo's mobile library van. we're on our way to a storytelling session at asosacion de damas filipinas, a home/day care center for kids in paco. i've been there before-when i was a high school student in st. scho. it got burned down i think a year after i graduated. many kids were killed. i haven't gone back since-it was just too much. and now i'm coming back.

asosacion de damas filipinas, or 'damas', the mobile lib's first ever outreach location. i saw how different, how safer it looks now, i felt much better - for the kids.

i forgot this boy's name, i think it's aldrin or alwin. he's one of the kids in damas, and he has attention deficiency syndrome, and a bit autistic. he's great at lettering/calligraphy stuff-and he's only 10! here he is reading one of the books from the mobile lib.

noreen and eric. noreen is the mobile library coordinator. we call her 'teacher noreen'or 'teech' for short. we're on our way up to the orphanage to visit the kids.

two of the kids from the nursery. there were about 6 babies in this room, but only one nanny. when we got there, there were some volunteers from st. scho who were playing with the kids. i helped feed the babies their lunch!


noreen and baby christine. christine didn't look well when we first saw her. she was crying a lot like something in her hurt. the nanny said it was her stomach. i went back to damas about a month ago, and when we visited the nursery, she looked so healthy! i picked her up and we just sat beside the window waving at cars.

info sessions for intel philippines at the e-lounge in ayala center, makati. that's jeff (one of our very loyal volunteers) showing this reallly cute kid how the sound morpher works.

another cute kid from the intel info sessions. the kids were from a preschool in forbes or dasma or something.

alas singko y media shoot at museo. that's host rj ledesma interviewing his preschool teacher, nina, museo pambata's president/ceo. this was a saturday, around 6 a.m. yes i had to come to work. it was also raining really hard (thus the red jacket on tita nina) but its ok. i got to meet marc cohen, abs-cbn reporter!

rj, head guide lea and admin assistant tina. this segment wasn't aired, though. they ran out of time. that's the director wearing the green jacket.

it's another famous person! batibot's kuya bodjie sharing storytelling tips to participants from museo's establishing a reading center workshop. i finally met him and i'm like a kid all over again. i forgot to ask him how ate sienna was, though. darn it.

kiddie dancers from one of the programs at museo pambata. the kids sang and performed folk dances. i don't know what sort of dance this is, though.

maglalatik boys


exhibits director rinnah, her assistant joseph and pr director (my boss) jacqui show off their neckpieces. joseph didn't want to be upstaged.

rinnah got hers in greenhills, jacqui got hers from davao (?) and joseph got his from the wall...

...and he's so proud of it.

flower power! that's me messy desk and my new imac. its not me though, the dark blue imac was more ME. but its aryt. this one's got the cd burner!

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this page was last updated on: 20 October 2002