photos by chie sales

by the bay
i have been working in museo pambata ng maynila for almost 2 years now. its been really fun. one of the many reasons why i enjoy working there is because of its location. the museum is located along roxas boulevard, which is beside the manila bay. the view when i go home from work is amazing. i never miss a manila bay sunset. (except of course when i'm on leave or something) ;p

click on any of the thumbnails to see the bigger picture.

feb sunset1
sunset . taken along the ccp complex, using my first digital camera, a polaroid

roxas blvd skyline1
also taken along ccp complex. that's roxas boulevard. taken using the polaroid

feb sunset2
sunset. taken inside the car, polaroid

feb sunset3
sunset. in a moving car. polaroid.

feb sunset4
sunset. in a moving car. polaroid. taken a few seconds after that first shot. last sunset polaroid shot. ever.

lonely boat by the bay
around 6:40 pm. really windy. mom and dad were waiting for our food inside gloria maris restaurant, while i shot away outside. this was taken using my cybershot.


roxas blvd skyline2
taken a few seconds after the boat photo. again, that's the roxas boulevard skyline. scary clouds. wish i'd brought my IR lens with me!

its a  ________saurus!
dinosaur by the bay?!!

jurassic park manila branch

poor thing!

fatboy slim is effing in heaven
is that fatboy slim? from left, a norman cook fan, "norman cook", and former manila mayor arsenio lacson reading the papers

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copyright © 2002 by chiesales
this page was last updated on: 19 October 2002